Anyways, so I'm not a rich person...and I've decided the best way to show my best wishes to these couples is to make something for them. Screw store bought things (though yeah, I never did look at their registry..not like I'm making a crock-pot or anything), people want things made from the heart! So, I'm crocheting.
I do love crocheting guys, but Lord help me if I turn into one of them. You know who I'm talking about. Always having some sort of awkward conversation with you and then making a craft related joke that doesn't even fit in? Then the two of you stand around with thick air before you slowly walk away. If I even start to sound like that...shoot me..and make it painful please <3
Down to business, Day 2, June 16th...I present to you: Sadee Eugene <3
mmm...does that look fuzzy? Uh *clears throat* so Sadee...she dresses alot like how I want to dress...well exactly like I want to dress <3
I love her style <3
That's all for today! Tune in tomorrow my loves <3
p.s I will show you what I'm making after the weddings <3
Looking forward to seeing the finished products!