Yeah so I didn't think of a topic for today...I have my topic for tomorrow though! Does that count?? Can you guess what it is?
My mother suggested I open a store selling both vintage clothing, my own clothing line, and probably vintage clothing that I remake from ew to fabulous.
I think I'm going to do it...but she meant a stand alone store
Ha ha....I dunno bout all that...we'll see. I should start selling some things by August my lovelies
Anyway! Down to business Day 18 and 19 (now we're all caught up) of 365...second part of my work in progress, Javia and Sadee

I really like Javia...she's sassy...I like sassy (before it gets bitchy...if you know what I mean). Yes yes, you've already seen this dress...but look at Sadee! The skirt is new! I'm actually going to make that skirt for I can have a going out skirt because I definitely lack that. I'll post it once I'm finished!
Apologies for the grey...and the'll be so much prettier when it's done! (the work in progress)
Ok I really need to shower...I worked out and had other stuff to do...ewwwww
Till next time suckas